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Our Governors

At Kidmore End, there are four types of Governors:

Foundation Governors – these are Governors who are appointed by the Diocese;

Co-opted/Community Governors – these are Governors who are elected by other members of the Governing Body and have skills which are of particular interest;

Parent Governors – elected by parents of children attending Kidmore End;

Staff Governors – elected by the staff and include teachers, support staff and our headteacher.


Name Governor Type / Role Appointed Expiry
Miss Claire Spankie Headteacher N/A N/A
Mrs Faye Blakes Chair of Governors    
Mrs Faye Blakes Parent Governor 10/07/23 09/07/27
Mrs Shelley Jeffery Parent Governor 03/02/25 02/02/29
Mrs Sue Remenyi Foundation Governor 1 14/07/21 13/07/25
Mr Matthew Coome Foundation Governor 2 19/11/24 18/11/28
Rev James Stickings Foundation Governor 3 19/11/24 18/11/28
Mrs Verity Barrett Co-Opted Governor 06/10/23 05/10/25
Mrs Rebecca Bickerton Staff Governor 06/12/22 05/12/26
Mrs Judith Wright Clerk N/A N/A
Mrs Emma Hawker Associate N/A N/A






Past Governors (in post during academic year 2023-24)


Name Governor Type / Role Appointed Expiry Pecuniary Business Interest
Mrs June Bishop Vice Chair     None
Ms Joanna Moriarty Interim Chair of Governors     None
Ms Martina Parsons Executive Headteacher N/A 31/05/24 None
Ms Claire Myers Co-opted governor: Chair 27/07/21 06/12/23 None
Mrs Sian Allen Co-opted governor: Chair 2 08/09/20 06/12/23 None
Mr Andrew Griffin Headteacher N/A 08/09/23 None
Mr Gary Bell Co-opted Governor 03/10/22   None
Mr David Marsh Foundation Governor 06/03/23   None
Mrs Charlotte Blyton Foundation Governor 24/02/20 23/02/24 None
Mr Marcus Shah Parent Governor 14/07/21 13/07/25 None
Mrs Elizabeth Chandler Foundation Governor 14/11/23 13/11/27 None







ODST Members and Trustees are included in the  Trustee’s Annual Report and is available on the ODST website. Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust - Key MAT information (

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