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Young Leaders

"Pupils treat one another with kindness and respect, taking responsibility for their actions. They articulate clearly and naturally how their efforts link to the school’s vision and values. Their compassion is encouraged through the extensive provision of extra-curricular roles. These include prefects, team and playground leaders, school and eco-council and playground buddies. This affords pupils’ the opportunity to serve their community and reflects the vision to ‘do everything in love’." SIAMS REPORT 2024

SCHOOL COUNCIL: The school council consists of 2 children per class (Years 1-6). Children, who are interested in applying to become a school councillor, submit an application at the start of the year and are then voted for by their peers to best represent the class' voice. Children meet regularly with a member of SLT to discuss and plan projects, events and charitable work.

ECO-COUNCIL: The eco-council meet regularly to discuss how they can make the school more environmentally friendly. At the beginning of each year, the children carry out an environmental audit and prepare an action plan for the whole school to engage in.

Throughout the year these targets form the basis of the Eco-Council's work.

PREFECTS: Prefects are a valuable part of our school community and help staff to organise, manage and support the younger school community. They are chosen by Miss Spankie based on their consistent commitment to the school's vision and values. 

PLAYGROUND LEADERS: Every year our Year 6s take part in 'Active Leader' training. The training consists of creating, organising, facilitating and leading playground games. The children learn valuable leadership skills and put them to practice by implementing a programme of playground games to run for the rest of the year.

BUDDIES: All new Foundation Stage children are allocated a 'buddy' at the start of their Kidmore End journey. Their buddy is there to support them at break and lunch times, visits their class to read, and supports them through to the end of Year 1. This historical trend at Kidmore End, makes a visit to our playground very special. It is wonderful to see buddies interacting and sharing moments of their day.